
Maraquan Draik Story

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

A yawn escaped my jaws, as I dragged myself away from pleasant dreams. Someone was viciously shaking my shoulder. That is what woke me I thought to myself. The shaker was becoming impatient, as the shaking became stronger.
"What?" I mumbled, trying to force my unwilling eyes open. Something sharp sank deep into my arm, forcing my eyes open. I growled at my attacker. Ugh, its only Molk. Molk was my most trusted friend. She probably wanted feeding. I let another yawn consume me. Molk, suddenly impatient again, started yelping. Strange, she never normally yelps, I thought come to think of it, she never yelped.
"What's wrong?" I muttered, still full of sleep. Molk swam towards the door, fear filling her eyes. A jolt of fear shot through me, something was horribly wrong. Though I couldn't figure out what had brought me to that conclusion. I shot to my drawers and grabbed my dagger. It was my mothers, until she had passed away. It was a delicate little thing, was quite short too. Thin enough to slip between the ribs of an attacker, or even the strongest of chain mail. A small dragon clutched the hilt, a curious look on its tiny face. The blade was of the finest Maractite steel, there was nothing stronger or lighter. Twirling around I slowly made my way to the door. I reached it; just as something launched at the other side.
Screams filled my ears as I became fully awake. Screams full of pain and suffering. The final cries of my friend and neighbours. Some begging for there lives, others just screaming as theirs were extinguished. Every mind like a bright light, and one by one I felt them fade into oblivion. Many would not survive, many more were already gone. Molk had hidden behind me as someone continued to slam into the door. It was the only exit.
"Grimtaile?" a voice whispered to me, during a pause in the beating of the door. It sounded like my mother.
"Let me in dear." the voice faded slowly disappearing. I rushed to the door, without thinking and unlocked it; just as someone collided with the door from the other side. I flew backwards, slamming into the far wall. My vision flickered, then darkness consumed me.
Groaning, I opened my eyes. A dull ache flared causing the edges of my vision to flicker. My tongue felt think. My eyes made a quick sweep of the room. Empty. The door was closed. Strange, something was wrong but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. My head throbbed in protest to my concentration, threatening to pull me back under. I reached up to try and soothe the pain. That was when I noticed. I couldn't. My hands were bound. The ropes had been tied by a rookie, and would prove easy to remove. Adding this to the fact that they were almost as old as my granddad, and frayed at the edges, it wouldn't take long. My legs had had similar treatment. A smile spread across my face.
"Ah!" a voice exclaimed form the shadows, startling me, "Sleeping beauty finally awakes."
My eyes widened in shock. This is bad I thought very bad. The shadow chuckled, and prowled towards me. Slowly she passed into the sunlight, revealing herself.
Standing at an impressive 7ft tall, she loomed over me. Her tail was lined with powerful muscles, that were able to propel her through the water easily. Now it swayed too and fro, creating small vortexes. Her legs carried huge muscles, that would allow for enough force to crush my skull like it was paper. They were necessary, if you wanted to survive the deepest depths of the ocean. Wicked looking talons lined her toes, sharp enough to slice open armoured scales. Her hands were similarly armed. Running down the centre of her back, a set of sharp spines, hidden within a mane of thick black fur. Reinforced plates ran down her soft underside, protecting it. Livid scars covered most of her body, she was obviously use to fighting. A magnificent pair of wings sprouted from her shoulder blades. Each had five fingers, ending in sharpened claws. Connecting these fingers, was a thin membrane of rich purple in colour. On each wings wrist, three claws protruded from the skin. My eyes came to rest on her face. Three spines rose up from either side of her head, these too, like the wings, were connected with the same membrane. Horns rose from her skull, ending is a sharpened tip, the majority covered up by the spines. Fangs hung from either side of its mouth. A small smile spread across its lips, revealing more, sharpened teeth. She yawned, snapping her jaws shut with a snap. I looked straight into her ruby eyes. She glared back, a sickening smile spread across her face as she continued to move towards me.
Molk bravely jumped to defend me. Poor thing didn't see it coming. Before she knew it, the monsters powerful tail swung around, smashing Molk into the wall. There she remained, unmoving.
It is extremely difficult to cry underwater, but somehow I managed it. I sobbed. My poor Molk lay broken. My chest heaved. Before me the foul beast just sneered.
"Oops, clumsy me, I think I hit your little friend" it chuckled "and she doesn't appear to be getting up, what a shame."
I growled, a deep rumble that vibrated through me. Was that the growl? Or was I just losing control? I didn't care anymore. I saw red. Snapping my bonds I lunched myself at the monster, slamming it against the wall. A sickening crunch echoed through the water, the sound vibrations spreading in all directions. Shock spread across her face. I moved back and watched as her eyes rolled back into her head and she collapsed on the floor.
I panicked. Grabbing Molk's limp body I dashed out of the room. Taking a secret passage out of the hallway I ran from my home. Abandoning  my family and friends.

Weeks had passed since that terrible day. Wandering the oceans I searched. Not seeking anything except an escape from my torture. My family was most likely dead, my friends too. I sighed. Only a coward would run like I did. My family needed me, and I had abandoned them. I had let them sacrifice themselves to save me, without them even knowing what they were doing. Staring out across the ocean I mulled things over. Maybe I thought if I swim far enough I may be able to forget my past
I swam slowly back to the cave that I had spent the night in. It was only a small thing, big enough to allow me to curl up in relative comfort. Molk lay there now. It had been weeks and still she had not stirred. I feared the worst. She just lay there, locked in a fight between life and death. Neither side seemed to be winning at the moment. Unable to help I just sat and waited, in the silence of the ocean.
I left my safe shelter a few minutes later. I was heading south, away from my home. Maybe south there would be some caves that I could make my home. I needed to stay away from everyone. I was horrible. People were better off without me, so I was going to go into hiding.
It was mid-day and the ocean was calm. I was resting next to a huge gorge, regaining some of my energy. Three bandits crept through the canyon. I watched them for a while until they disappeared from sight. I thought nothing of it, nor did I feel inclined to chase them. There were plenty of bandits wandering the ocean, they rarely managed to get anything and get away with it. I drifted off to sleep.
A single scream faded into oblivion. My head shot up and scanned the surroundings, searching for the source. Not noticing anything I cast my mind out. It didn't take me too long to locate them. Dashing towards a narrow canyon I noticed them. Peering over the edge I watched. Below me a young girl fought against three men. She was small, with flowing black fins that glittered in the dim light. It seemed that she was a Kau, though just of a different colouration to the usual colouring of blue. She was basically a sea cow, with two front feet and a beautiful tail that replaced the back two. Facing her were three nasty looking men. Two were pirates, a Koi and a Kougra, the other was a water Jetsam. The Koi wore an eye patch over his left eye, and a sword at his waist. With no hands he just had two fins and a tail, giving him the appearance of a lovely little Gold fish. His scales were a dull grey. The Kougra was tiger like, except he wore a torn striped top and a sword belt. His curved sword was currently pointing at the child before him. He too was grey in colour, with a pink scar stretch across his right eye. In comparison to the others the Jetsam appeared extremely strange. It seemed as if he was made up of water, but still held his shape even when the child managed to hit him. So he was basically a solid body of water in the shape of a shark. He wore nothing, only a sword that was in his fin. They chuckled between themselves as the child backed against the end of the canyon. A smile rested upon each of their cruel faces as the closed in on their prey.
Anger welled up inside me. The poor child was defenceless and terrified. I growled. I felt the horror of the men as my growl reached them. Leaping off of my perch I entered the fray.
Swinging my tail I knocked the first man flying. He fetched up against a rocky wall twenty foot way. With a grunt he collapsed to the floor. The Koi was still trying to figure out what was going on before my tail claimed its second victim. By then the Kougra had caught up with everything. Spinning around I came face to face with the tip of his sword.
"Now don't try anything stupid." he growled, "I just want that there kid and I will be on my way. No need to get yourself cut into ribbons."
I growled, causing him to chuckle.
"You don't even know that kid, else she would have come running towards you as soon as se saw you. Are you prepared to get yourself killed over a total stranger?" He raised his eyebrow.
Again I just growled.
"You would? Well I will just have to dispose of you first then." with a bellow he pulled his arm back and lunged the sword towards me.
Dancing to the side I swung my hand at him, claws extended. He dodged and swiped his sword up, hitting the flat of the blade against my wrist and sending my arm off to the left. The move left me exposed. A smile spread across his face as he lunged the sword at me again. The cold steal bit through my shoulder, making me howl in pain and anger. Grabbing the sword, I held it in place, along with his arm. My tail came crashing down, shattering the bone in his wrist. He turned almost white from the pain. I swung my open hand again and this time it connected. He slumped to the floor, unconscious. The look of shock still etched on his face.
Turning my back on them I made my way over to the child.
"Are you OK?" I asked, the poor thing was shaking from fright. Still she managed a weak nod.
"Your not going to hurt me are you?" she asked, shrinking back.
"No dear, I am not like those horrible people. You are safe now." I replied.
I winced in pain and my vision flickered. Looking down I noticed that the sword was still embedded in my shoulder. Clenching my teeth, I gripped the hilt and quickly pulled it out. A whimper slipped past my teeth. I snapped the sword in two and threw it on the floor. I felt myself becoming weaker as blood poured into the water around me. A shout sounded in the distance. The child's eyes lit up as she recognised the voice. She was soon shouting back, calling them towards her. Panicking I turned and fled towards the cave in which Molk was hidden. I curled up next to her and drifted into a deep slumber.

Groaning I forced myself into wakefulness. My shoulder flared in pain as I tried to move. Wincing I looked down. A low hiss escaped out of my mouth as pain shot down my arm. It was horrible. The wound had gotten infected, and had swelled. Clear puss oozed from it. The cut itself was went straight through my shoulder, a similar wound showed on the other side. It was about three inches long. The infection had spread quickly. Blood continued to pour into the water around me. It was getting worse and if not properly treated it could be fatal. Behind me something whimpered. There resting just behind my head was Molk, her eyes full of worry. Swimming over she poked and prodded my shoulder. My vision flickered and the room began to spin. I closed my eyes. Molk let out a squeal of alarm.
At the entrance to the cave floated a long snake-like creature. It took me a moment to recognise it as a Gelert. It was a water hound, breed to be the fastest swimmer of all the water bound canines. His body was about six foot long with two paws that acted as peddles. They were also used for changing direction at high speeds. Its long powerful tail was designed to propel it through the water. Its long ears hung down its face, each about a foot long, capable of picking up the rustle of seaweed from a mile away. And its nose, perfect for searching out anything. It sniffed the water in front of it, picking up our sent. With a smug expression on its face it did the worst thing possible. It barked.
I grabbed Molk and made a break for the entrance, hoping to slip past the Gelert. I was too slow though. Before I could reach the opening, two people appeared, one male and one female. The female was a strong Lupe, another of the water-going canines. She appeared to be a seal of some sort, with short brown fur which contained a few black specks. The male was a Bori, nothing could penetrate their armoured backs and they were incredibly strong. Frantically I searched for another exit, darting my head from side to side.
"Who are you?" Called the Bori.
There was no way I could best them both in combat and still have the energy to out run the Gelert. When I didn't reply the Gelert was sent in to drag me out. Slowly I began to back away as it swam towards me. Molk whimpered a warning in my ear but it was too late. My bad shoulder collided with the rock behind me. Stars danced across my vision as the wound was ripped open further. The water around me gained a red tint. A whimper came from the Gelert as it stopped and looked back. A gasp echoed faintly around my head. The Lupe had noticed the blood. A call went out to other searchers, but I slipped into unconsciousness before anyone arrived.
Hands. Lifting me. A low growl, Molk I presumed. Then darkness.
Pain, blinding pain, forced my eyes open. I whimpered. Someone came into my line of sight, but he was only a silhouette. They stabbed something sharp into my shoulder, causing me to whimper again. The pain subsided slightly as something small was pilled out for the wound. I heard a tinkle of metal on metal and guessed that there had been more metal in my shoulder.
"That appears to be all of them." the voice sounded far off.
Darkness engulfed me.
Panic surrounded me. People were panicking, lots of people. I could feel hands flustering around me and a voice. It called to me but I was too confused to understand what it was saying. My mind was clouded. Someone forced my left eye open, shining a bright light into it and them moving onto the right eye. Blinking I regained consciousness. Everyone stopped. The room was silent. Though soon everyone was trying to talk all at once. My poor head was spinning. Finally someone managed to calm the rest down.
"Are you OK?" I blinked, confused. I tried to locate the speaker. He leaned closer to me, revealing himself to be a Krawk. His scales were a beautiful blue, which shimmered in the light. He was quite tall, with powerful muscles. His face was kind and unusually he had four sets of paws, two hands and two feet, just like me. Concern was etched into his face.
I shrank back, desperately trying to hide. Panic gripped me as I noticed my surroundings. I was in a small room, with four delicate pink coral walls. The ceiling and floor were white. A small chair rested against the outside wall, right next to the small bed upon which I lay. Above the chair was a small window. It was a typical hospital bed, with the railings along each side, just the one that would normally be on the bottom had been removed. The wall to my right was almost all glass, through which I could see several curious faces. A small railing ran across the top of the glass, allowing a red seaweed curtain to be pulled across. On the far wall opposite me was a small door, at the moment it hung open. That was the only form of escape possible.
"W…Where am I?" panic filled my voice.
The Krawk noticed it instantly and ushered the onlookers out of the door, firmly closing it behind them. Then he moved to the curtain and pulled it across the glass.
"Your in a hospital," He sat himself down on the chair, "You gave us quite a fright there."
I tried to sit up, but my shoulder flared in agony, forcing me to collapse back onto the bed. My vision dimmed. The Krawk half raised himself from his chair, seeing if there was anything he could do to help. I glanced towards my shoulder and noticed that a light bandage had been wrapped around it. I lifted my other arm to try and remove it, but a light pressure forced it back down. I looked curiously towards the Krawk, his hand still resting on my arm.
"I wouldn't do that if I was you. We had to remove nineteen metal shards from the wound and it is still bleeding quite heavily. You need to rest." I groaned as another wave of pain hit me.
I snorted, trying to forget the pain. Focusing my eyes on the door I waited.
"I am Rex by the way." He said, obviously trying to start a conversation.
"Where is Molk?" He looked at me, confused, "My petpet, Molk. Where is she?"
"She is safe, don't worry. No harm will come to her." He reassured me. My growl startled him.
" I want her here with me." I remained staring at the door, making sure that I blinked occasionally to prevent arousing suspicion.
"I will get her brought immediately then." A low whistle vibrated around the room. A few seconds later someone whistled in reply.
"She will be here shortly." he said.
I grunted my thanks and continued to stare.
"Who are you?" he asked, "We found you at the edge of the canyons, in one of the caves. Where is your family? Are you alone?"
I didn't reply. Voices sounded outside the door. I tensed. Inch by inch the door slid open, revealing Molk and a young child, a Lupe with short brown fur. I made that it was only them two before I made my move.
Within seconds I had launched myself off of the bed, ignoring my shoulder as it flared in pain. Molk had already sensed my actions and had swam towards me. Grabbing her I sped out of the open door and into a empty corridor. It was made of the same pink coral as the room I had come from. I cast my mind out, looking for a large cluster of people. When I didn't find any I looked towards Molk. She pointed to the left. Swimming as fast as I was able to I followed Molk's instructions and soon found myself at the exit. I dashed past a few frightened people and dived through the doors. I didn't leave in time to miss the whistle that sounded from my room.
Once in the open I searched for the open sea. To the left lay a small village. Small shell shaped houses clustered together for protection. They were beautiful little things, which reminded me of home. Shaking my head I looked to the right. Nothing lay in that direction. Holding Molk close to me I gathered my strength and dashed towards freedom.
A yelp from Molk alerted me to the fact that I was being followed. Behind me three people searched the ocean for me. Rex was the one to spot me first, signalling to the others he sped after me. I knew that I had no hope of outrunning him, not in my current condition. My only two options were to stand and fight or attempt to lose them. I was in no condition to do either and Rex had covered half the distance between us within a few seconds. I had no choice, wounded or not my only option was to try and lose them. I noticed that before me lay the canyons. Perfect for loosing my pursuers.
The Krawk seemed to sense my intentions and sped up. I turned to check on his progress. He collided into me, forcing me tumbling back. Before I could do anything he had pinned me against the rocky wall of one of the canyons. His face inches from mine. The snarl on his face sent sparks of panic shooting through me.
"And where do you think your going kid?" He snarled.
"Away," I mumbled, trying to shrink back. "I don't belong here sir, I will only cause pain and suffering. I am bad. Please sir let me go."
He gave me a confused look.
"What do you mean child?" He asked.
"I am just bad. I abandoned my home, my family, my friends. They needed me and I ran." I cast my eyes down, staring at the floor below my feet. "They killed so many people."
"Who?" He asked, attempting to look me in the eyes.
"I… I… I… don't know. But she was horrible." I felt my body start to shake in fear.
"Describe her to me." His jaw knotted and un-knotted, as if he was mulling over some complicated problem.
"Tall, muscled, purple scales and covered in scars. She took pleasure in hurting others and slammed my poor Molk into a wall." I paused.
He was growling, a look of pure hatred in his eyes.
"You know her don't you?" I asked. He nodded once.
Before he could say anything else a large bolder crashed into him, pinning him to the opposite wall. He growled in anger. Three bandits swam towards him. I recognised them to be the same three that had attacked the child a few days before. Rex's two companions had appeared at the top of the canyon, they looked down at him, wondering what to do.
"Run!" He shouted, and they were quick to turn tail and flee. I hoped that they would get help.
"Well hello there kind sir." one of them chuckled, " A little far away from your home are we not?"
The others laughed with him. It was the Kougra that had spoken, he appeared to be the leader. His right arm was in a sling, but he appeared to be able to use both equally well. They hadn't noticed me yet, as I was hidden from their site by an outcrop of rock. With one last glance at the Krawk, I unleashed a growl that vibrated the rock behind me. They paused, trying to search for the source.
"Well, well, well. I never knew vermin like you prowled these waters. I thought that I had sent a very clear message to you, but it seems like your heads are as empty as they look." I stepped out from behind the rock. I felt their fear. They remembered me.
Spreading my wings I made myself look as big as possible, my body now shielding Rex from sight. They cowered before me. Then the Kougra gathered his wits first.
"You!" he hissed. Before I could move he had launched himself at me, a new sword in his left hand. I dodged his attacks three times, then when he paused I clawed him across the face, drawing blood. He snarled then continued the attack. His companions tried to slip past me, to attack me from behind. I flared my wings, hitting them square in the chest and sending them flying backwards. Despite my best efforts though I was still being forced back, one step at a time. My back hit stone. Behind me the Krawk growled. Flicking my tail I silenced him, before he could distract me further.  That distraction was enough though, three swords shot towards me. I managed to dodge the attacks from the Koi and Jetsam. The Kougra however was too fast. A smile spread across his face as the sword pierced my flesh.
I roared as the sword slid deeper into me. Sinking to my knees, I gasped for breath. I doubled over, clutching at my stomach.
"Aw did that hurt my dear?" He laughed, "Maybe next time you will leave the fighting to the adults."
I growled. Reaching inside myself I embraced my anger, something I had never done before. Energy coursed through me. Rearing up I spread my limbs and bellowed at the men. A blinding white light built up in my maw. Three beams of light shot out of my mouth, striking the bandits. It sent them sprawling backwards several feet. Adrenaline coursed through my veins. I leapt after them.
The Jetsam was the first that I came across. As he struggled to get up I cracked him on the join between his spine and skull. His head lolled to one side and he collapsed. After that things were difficult. The Koi and Kougra had retrieved their swords and fought to keep me at a distance. Soon they were coordinating their moves, copying each other in an attempt to tear into my flesh again. I dodged most of their attacks, the few that reached me only caused tiny scratches, nothing to worry about. Sliding to the left I had to then quickly parry a swipe from the left. They were getting faster and more confident. I tried to unleash the beam of light again, but I was too weak, too confused. I couldn't focus.  Everything was getting blurred. I shook my head in an attempt to clear my vision. I dodged another stab.
A hiss of pain came from behind me. I had failed to notice the Koi slip past me. Spinning around I watched as he pulled his blade out of Rex's arm. I growled and pounced on the Koi. My jaws closed around his neck and I shook him like a rag doll. His screams filled the ocean. His spine snapped and all fell silent. Still holding the now limp body in my mouth I turned and watched the last bandit.
"W…w…what did y…you do?" the panic was clear in his eyes.
I dropped the body, my mouth bloody from my kill. Sinking into a crouch I waited for him to make his move.
"Oh your gonna pay for that missy." He leaped towards me, sword outstretched.
I waited until he was almost upon me. I gathered my strength and launched myself into the water, spinning around I landed behind him, facing his now exposed back. I racked my claws down his spine, carving deep gauges into his flesh. He howled in pain and spun around. Within seconds my hand was around his throat, lifting him up off of the floor. He struggled frantically. I watched as the life ebbed from him, my claws sinking deep into his neck.
Suddenly there was a sharp pain in my stomach, followed shortly by one in my shoulder. Howling in pain I dropped him. He was as sly as a fox. The sword that still remained embedded in my gut had received a vicious kick from the Kougra. My shoulder had been hit in a similar manner.
I felt the cold steel pressing against my throat.
"Well it looks like I win." He chuckled, preparing for the final blow.
A small stone collided with his head, making the sword miss its intended target. Instead it slashed me across the chest, leaving a gaping inch deep wound. Forgetting the pain I snaked me head forward and with lightning speed caught him in my jaws. Biting down I felt his windpipe collapse and the bones in his neck snap. It took me a few seconds to crush the life out of him. I let his body crumple to the floor.
Looking up I nodded my thanks to Molk, who dropped a paw full of stones and swam towards me. I slowly made my way back towards Rex, who stared at me, bewildered. It took me ten minutes to push the bolder out of the way, I left him partially trapped though. It would take him a few minutes to remove the boulder himself. Once I was finished I grasped the sword by its hilt and slowly removed it. I hissed in pain. Dropping the sword I turned my back on him.
"Don't follow me." I sped off.
A bellow sounded behind me as he fought to free himself. I had miscalculated his strength though, as the boulder was fully removed within seconds. I knew that outrunning him was pointless, so I searched for a cave. I was in luck, not to far away, hidden behind an outcrop of rock, was a large cave, with two entrances. I tried to reach the cave before he saw me.
Strong hands gripped my tail, dragging me backwards. Everything dimmed and I panicked. I struggled, trying to release the iron-like grip that held me. At first I thought I was seeing red, it took my confused mind a minute to recognise it. My blood pooled in the water, dying it red. Knowing that there was no point in struggling I gave up. Letting my body go limp I felt warm hands cradle me. I drifted into unconsciousness.
Shouts of panic awoke me. Thousands of voices all ran into one constant steam of words. I winced when a hand brushed against my shoulder. My tail coiled tighter around; something. I struggled to open my eyes. More hands brushed against my skin. Finally I managed to force my reluctant eyes open. Right in front of my face was the smooth leathery skin of the Krawk, Rex. I was curled up into a tight ball, protecting my fragile stomach. He carried me in his arms, his skin warm against mine. I felt as cold as ice. My tail was coiled tightly around his waist. We were surrounded by the entire village. Obviously the news of my fight had spread quickly. They all looked towards us, trying to see if we were ok.
A spasm of pain flared through stomach. A whimper slipped through my teeth as I curled up tighter, my muscles shaking. I heard a gasp from the Krawk as my tail coiled tighter around him, constricting his breathing. After a few minutes of struggling I managed to force my muscles into submission. Slowly my tail loosened. He tensed, ready from me to bolt. I was in no condition to move, let alone swim. I would never be able to beat him in a race anyway.
Whimpering in pain I snuggled closer to him. He was blissfully warm and I welcomed the heat. Sensing what was wrong he wrapped his arms tighter around me. For the first time in a while I felt safe. I sighed in content. A few minutes later I drifted into a peaceful sleep.

"Ugh" I shook my head, trying to wake myself up. My head was pounding, like I had been head banging solidly for the past week. My mouth felt fuzzy and my eyes kept blurring. I tried to roll over. My arm way yanked back, the soft tinkle of metal on metal ran in my ears. Turning my head I noticed the problem. They had chained my arms and legs to the metal railings that ran across the sides of the hospital bed. I was in the same room as I was in before, though the curtain was closed. The room was almost complete darkness, only a faint light came through the small window. It seemed that it was night.
A soft snoring directed my attention to my right. There head back against the wall, throat showing and mouth slightly agape, was Rex. He looked so peaceful, so calm. Upon his left arm was a white bandage, that shone in the dim light. Many people would have struggled to see, but my eyes were perfectly adapted to seeing in the dark. His left arm rested on his lap, the other hung loosely by his side, pulling his body to the right lightly. I watched as his right index finger twitched in response to the dream. He murmured something, but it was too faint for my to hear. I shifted my weight slightly, trying to get comfortable.
Unfortunately this triggered my stomach to scream in pain, I whimpered and instinctively tried to curl up. My chains rattled against the railings. I howled, a long mournful sound that echoed around the room. His eyes snapped open, focusing on me instantly. I whimpered, angry at myself. He deserved the rest, and I had so rudely awoken him. I wondered why he was still here, but soon all thought became impossible as another wave of pain coursed through my body. My tail thrashed wildly. I looked towards the chair. He was gone, maybe I had just imagined him. Strong arms held my tail down, preventing it from moving. I tried to look at him, but the pain was too much. I continued to trash, trying to curl up.
"Calm down" He soothed. I felt my wrists become lighter, no longer did they remain caged within the metal chains. My hands coiled around my stomach, trying to force the pain back in, to prevent it from escaping. I begged for it to stop, tears filled my eyes. My whole body quivered. I roared in pain. My mind sensed several people run towards the room. A soft growl from Rex halted them at the entrance. I didn't really notice the bed disappear, but one moment I was on the bed and the next it was gone. It took me a moment to realise that Rex was holding me. He carried me to the chair and place me on his lap. There I remained, trying to gain control.
"Look at me" he coaxed my head up, looking me straight in the eye. "Its ok. Calm down."
Ten minutes passed before the pain subsided. He continued to rock me back and forth, lulling me into a peaceful state. My head was rested upon his shoulder. I still shuddered occasionally as a small wave of pain ran through me. His hand gently stroked my head.
"Better now?" I hummed in content.
"Yes thank you." I murmured, barely able to keep my eyes open.
"Sorry about the chains. But it was a necessary precaution since the last time you escaped we both almost ended up dead. Thank you for fending them off though." He looked up as someone charged into the room.
"Sir!" He panted, "The scouts have returned. Malaquay has been overrun by bandits. She appears to be leading them."
"And the royal family? Are they still alive?" He demanded.
"Sorry sir, but the king was executed two days ago,. The princess is currently missing." He said.
Rex sighed and I screamed.
I shot toward the door.
"Stop her!" Rex shouted and the door swung shut in my face. I collided into it.
NO!" I screamed, slamming myself into the door. "LET ME GO!"
Rex was just behind me, holding onto my shoulders he pinned me in place.
"And where are you running to this time?" He asked.
"Home!" I screeched. "Father is DEAD because of ME!"
I collapsed to the floor as two shocked faced looked at me.
"What is your name child?" Rex asked, lowering himself so that he was face to face with me. "Tell me."
"My name is Amelia Grimtaile, princess of Malaquay." I whispered.
Silence settled over the room. The scout just stared at me, mouth slightly open. A look of shock was fixed on Rex's face. A moment later the scout remembered his manners and bowed.
"Ma'am." He said, eyes to the floor.
"Please don't." I muttered, "I abandoned my home. I am no longer a princess, for I am not worthy of the title."
I stared at the coral between my feet. Memories of my father drifted through my mind. His face, his smile. I missed him. But after my mothers death he hadn't been able to look at me, I reminded him too much of her.
"Amelia?" Rex was trying to coax my chin up, "Look at me."
I allowed his hand to pull my chin up. He looked me straight in the eye, something few people, who knew who I was, had dared to do. I marvelled at his bravery.
"You panicked, that is nothing bad. Most people would have done exactly the same in that situation. But your alive, that is what matters. If you had stayed then you would have joined your father."
"Then that is what should have been." I growled, "No real Queen abandons her people."
He continued to look me in the eye, his hand keeping my chin up. After a few minutes his expression changed. Pulling me to my feet I looked at me again. He embraced me. His arms were warm against my skin. I blinked in surprise. It was a bit of a shock, even the scout seemed taken aback. I relaxed into him as his tail twined itself around mine. His head rested against my shoulder.
"You are one of the bravest people I have ever met. I see no one else more deserving of the title of Queen. I will stand by you no matter what." He murmured in my ear.
"Thank you kind sir." I smiled and kissed his cheek.
He released me, but tightened his grip on my tail, holding me closer to him.
"I am going home," I whispered, "and this time I am killing the foul monster that took it and my family from me."
"Will you all the way my dear Amelia." Rex replied.
"Would you like me to rally the fighters sir?" The scout asked.
"If they wish to fight, then tell them that the Queen needs her army." Rex answered and the scout sped off.
Turning back around I looked Rex in the eye. He looked down at me, as he was slightly taller than me. His pulled me closer to his warm chest, and I snuggled into him. I felt his arms wrap around my back and I sighed.
I opened my mouth to speak when a massive vibration shook the building. Looking through the window I watched as it rippled across the sea floor. Everyone stopped, as if time had been frozen. Even the children, who moments ago had been weaving between the building, stopped.
Three vibrations shook the building. After a few seconds a look of horror passed across the face of many women. In contrast many of the men looked angry. The village exploded into life as everyone began to run about, searching for what I did not know.
I turned to Rex, a confused expression on my face. I already understood the meaning of the vibrations, but what had caused them?
"Surrounding the town are several tunnels, all leading to the same place. A mile under the sea floor is a huge cavern in the rock. All the tunnels feed into this one." he explained, staring out of the window, "In the center of this cavern is a huge drum, about a mile in diameter. A hammer rests above the drum, and when released beats upon it. The hammer takes a minute to restore back to its original position. The sound vibrated through the rock for miles around, alerting others to the danger. Three beats upon the drum means war."
I sighed as he confirmed my suspicions. They were rallying the troupes to fight for me, to save my home. Many innocents would die, many more would be wounded. Something had to be done.
Turning to Rex, I placed my hands on his chest. Looking up at his big blue eyes I almost faltered, almost.
"May I ask a favour from you, kind sir?" I asked, trying to remain calm.
"What would you ask of me ma'am?" a puzzled look crossed his face briefly.
"Stay" releasing his tail I sped out of the door, locking it behind me. Both Molk and Rex collided with the door a few seconds later, roaring in anger.
It was a matter of seconds before I was out of the doors, aiming myself towards the north I took off. I missed them already, but I couldn't bare to see either of them hurt again, especially when the cause was me. It would take a week to reach home, and I turned my thoughts to swimming. Looking back on the town I could still see people running around wildly.
I sighed, At least they will be safe I thought. Turning my attention to the ocean in front of me, I collided with a solid wall of muscle before my mind had registered seeing it.
Rex wasn't happy, yet he seemed more annoyed than angry. I felt his fingers close around my arms, holding me in place.
"You know, when I said that I was with you, I meant that I was coming with you," the annoyance was clear in his voice, "regardless of if you want me to or not."
Now I was annoyed, was he so blind to my thoughts?
"I will not see you hurt again because of me!" I growled back, "Not again!"
"And I will not see you get yourself killed because of your foolishness!" Now I was really annoyed. Before I could do anything his face softened. His arms moved behind me, trapping me against his body. The hug was warm, and for a moment I faltered. I didn't want to go alone, but would it be safe for them if they came with me?
"We shall go together, you will need all the help you can get against her." he said.
"May I ask, who is she?" I stared at the floor, hoping that I hadn't angered him.
His body stiffened, not a good sign I thought.
"We call her the destroyer, if she has a name, no one but herself knows it. All we know is that after her parents were killed in a raid, ordered by the king, she decided to go on a rampage, destroying all of the royal families above and below the ocean. Once the king was dead she would take over the realm and move on. After a while the royal families were able to capture her. She spent many years trapped in the middle of a mountain under the sea. Chained in place she went without food, plotting her revenge. Now the royal families hide some of their children through out the world. They hide as peasants, unknown to them of their true heritage. Once she escaped she disappeared. Obviously she has been getting an army together." He sighed "She killed many of my friends, including my parents and my brothers. I was out of town, playing in the coral reef when it happened. I was the only survivor of my entire village."
"I am sorry for your loss" he shrugged.
Behind me someone cleared their throat. He sighed and released me. Turning around I faced the one that had disturbed us. He was a Lupe, who's species bore the resemblance of wolves. His black fur shimmered in the dim light. Dipping his head respectfully to Rex he turned and bowed towards me.
"The fighters of Amadray are at your service my Queen." His voice was deep and it seemed like he growled the words at me.
"I am not your Queen, am I?" I asked, puzzled.
"Your father didn't tell you?" Rex sighed when my expression became even more puzzled, "Your father ruled over the entire ocean. Everything you see now is part of your kingdom."
I blinked in surprise. Father never mentioned anything about that I thought.
"Father was more interested in teaching me about politics and that I should be merciful, than what was to be mine. Ever since mother died he seemed to withdraw inside himself. Over the past few years I only saw him when we had a important meal or something. He couldn't bare to look at me, and didn't seem to care when my so called guards…" my voice trailed off as I remembered what those monsters had done to me. The beatings I had received and the other things they had done. I shuddered.
"Amelia?" Rex shook my shoulder. I cast aside the thoughts of the past and focused on the task at hand.
"Are you ok my Queen?" the Lupe asked, his voice carried a hint of worry.
"I am fine. I thank you for your concern." I replied, " Your help will be greatly appreciated."
Dipping my head in thanks I turned north.
"Shall we be off then?" I asked.
In reply the lupe turned around I howled to the ocean. As one hundreds of bodies raised themselves into the water and prepared to depart. Rex nodded to me and we set off towards the north.

I stormed off, showing my impatience. A few minutes later Rex pushed aside the flap of the tent and stepped out, searching for me. Eventually he found me sitting on the top of an underwater mountain.  He stood behind me.
"You know you  should try to give them a break." He said, trying to sooth me. I grunted.
"They refuse to listen. I have lived there all of my life, it is my home. Yet they still think they know it better than me." I stared out into the ocean.
Behind me all was silent. great, now he is ignoring me I turned around to face the empty ocean. Standing I slowly circled, searching for him.
"Rex?" I called. I felt a presence behind me and panicked when warmth engulfed me. I relaxed when I recognised the smooth skin and the arms that now cradled me. A low humming sounded in my ear. I soon recognised it as my favourite song, though I doubted he knew that. Calm washed over me.
"They are well trained, experienced warriors. They know what they are doing." He murmured in my ear," Plus your plan is a little crazy."
"I will not let them fight her, that is my job, and mine alone. She was the one that killed my father and I will be the one to kill her." he chuckled gently, bouncing me against his chest.
"Nothing is ever that simple dear." He said, still chuckling slightly. Kissing my head he continued his humming.
A sharp pain flared behind one of the fins that adorned the side of my face. I had forgotten it as soon as I noticed it.
"Well we best be heading back. They will be waiting for us." I tried to pull away, but he held me firmly in place. "Rex now is not the time to mess around."
There was no answer, just silence. Twisting in his grip I looked at his face. It was blank, emotionless. I nudged him, trying to get his attention. Nothing. Pushing against him I noticed that he was hard and lumpy. His skin felt rough. This was not Rex. I screamed.
Sixteen people from the camp below lifter their heads. Noticing me they looped around and sped towards me. Behind me something sparked.
Slowly I turned and looked down. Wires could be seen around his stomach, something I didn't notice before. A faint ticking alerted me to the danger. Adrenaline coursed through my veins and I struggled to release myself. Its iron grip held me in place, but eventually I managed to slip out of it. I had taken no more than two steps when the ticking came to an abrupt stop.
The explosion threw me through the water. Shards of metal embedded themselves into my back. I screamed in pain. My head collided with the rocky mountain. I was about halfway down the mountain side. Around me the water stirred as several people raced up to the summit. Several others stopped beside me. Six pairs of hands lifted me. I remained conscious as they carried my slowly back to the camp. I watched the floor, as I was face down and tried to block out the pain. Though I whimpered every time I was jostled roughly. When they stopped I forced myself to stand. I noticed that right before me was the black lupe. He caught me when I wobbled. My vision dimmed. Someone called to me, but the words made no sense. The Lupe picked me up easily and dumped me on a hospital bed, then stood in front of me, trying to say something. I tilted my head onto one side, trying to make out the words.  He reached past me and touched the side of my head, his paw came back bloodied. I knew it was only a matter of time before the pain dragged me under.
"Rex… taken… mountain was… a… trap." I forced the words out.
"We will find him ma'am. Just rest now." The lupe said.
"She… has… Rex." I whispered before the darkness swallowed me.

I groaned. This is becoming too much of a regular occurrence I thought to myself. My head felt like it had been cracked open. I was lying on my stomach, a fluffy pillow rested under my head. Thick bandaged wrapped around my torso. I could feel the padding extending down my whole back. A small section contained no padding, just bandage. This was where my spines had folded themselves down to protect them. I moved my arms and legs, noticing that nothing was broken. My wings however, I could not move. It took me a moment to feel the rope that was wrapped around them. They had been raised out of the way using pulleys and rope. Flexing my tail I noticed that that too had thick bandages half way down it. I winced as the wounds protested to the movement.
A light pressure pushed down on the back of my head, just above my neck. I froze, hoping that whatever it was didn't want to harm me. A small paw came into my line of sight.
"Molk!" I scalded weakly, "You scared the life out of me."
Molk's face appeared before me, resting her head on my nose. Worry filled her eyes as she inspected me. Behind me someone coughed. Lifting my head I tried to turn and see who it was. Molk squeaked in protest and slapped my injured shoulder; hard. I whimpered and let my head crash against the pillow as I tried to control the pain. Once in control I cast my mind out, searching for the cougher. It was Alec, a ferocious Kougra who was one of the first to pledge to fight. He was very friendly but had a fiery temper. His fur was a deep red, with black stripes. He looked like a giant tiger, just with a lot more muscle. He stood on his hind legs.
"My apologies Alec, but it seems that I am not allowed to face you." I watched the smug smile spread across Molk's face, who had returned to my nose, "What is it that you wish to ask?"
If he was shocked that I knew who he was without looking then he didn't show it, nor did his voice betray any signs.
"Are you feeling any better my queen?" He asked.
I didn't answer. I was still mourning my loss. I wished he had kept his mouth shut.
"May I ask what happened?" I could hear the curiosity in his voice, "I need to report it to the commander."
"No you do not Alec, you just wish to satisfy your curiosity, also you do not have a commander aside from me and Rex. Am I correct?" I asked.
"No ma'am. The black Lupe, Erlan was the second in command. With you and Rex unavailable, he has been making the decisions." He said.
"Well I am able to make them myself now, so you can go tell him to step down." I snapped, "Now as for your curiosity All I can say is one minute he was there and the next it was a robot. We were only gone for a few minutes, so I don't see how…"
"You were gone for three hours!" He interrupted me, "We were searching for you for two and a half hours before we heard your scream. Can you not remember anything?"
"If I could remember I would have told you." I snapped, "But I still don't understand how they managed to take him without me knowing."
Molk stirred. She swam off of my nose and behind my head. I lifted my head as she began to scratch at the fin above my ear.
"Molk what are you…" I yelped as something was pulled out of my skin. Ignoring the pain in my back I twisted around to try and see what it was. In Alec's paw was a small metal dart. He turned it around in his finders, inspecting it.
"Well this explains a few things." he muttered, "They must have used this to knock you out first."
"But why did they not detonate the bomb. Why wait?" I mulled this over, puzzled.
"There were signs of a struggle. Rex must have put up a good fight so it took them a while to detonate the bomb. They wouldn't detonate it with them still there." I growled.
Struggling I forced myself upright. The pulleys holding my wings supported me for a few seconds. Then the ropes gave way and they crashed to the floor, releasing my wings. Pushing myself upright I sat on the edge of the bed. Molk squealed and tried to force me back down. I grabbed her tail and lifted her to eye level.
"Stop!" She obediently stopped struggling, "I have to save him… before… before she kills him."
"My queen, you need to rest!" Alec rushed towards me, ready to tie me down if I didn't cooperate. I growled at him. He stopped in his tracks.
"Rex needs me!" I roared at him "It is my fault that he was taken and I have to put it right."
"But!" He started to protest. I glared at him, silencing him.
"Disobey me if you wish, but you are not stopping me. I am sneaking into the castle tonight. Either you attack the front to distract them or you abandon me." I growled and pushed myself upright, "Which will it be?"
"I will go ready the fighters then." I nodded and he walked off.
Slowly I followed him out of the tent. I walked into the camp, just wandering. Everything was whirling around my head. How can I save him? Is it even possible to beat her? What happens if… I stopped the thought there. I had to believe that he was still alive. I walked around a small grey tent and came face to face with a doctor. She didn't seem happy.
"And what are you doing up so soon?" she demanded, shuffling from one bird-like foot to the other. He long legs were perfect for allowing a long stride and it added to her height, which was only 4ft. She stared at me. The little Lenny was quite brave, talking to me like that, most wouldn't even dare say that behind my back. She ruffled her feathers. Which covered her small plump body. He wings were delicately held against her side, she couldn't fly, not anymore. Her long neck also added to her meagre height. A birdlike beak pecked at me, getting my attention.
"That is none of your concern." I snapped at her. And alarm ran through the camp, informing the inhabitants that tonight we strike. Perfect timing Alec I thought angrily.
"Yes and that really seems like nothing" she clucked annoyed. Grabbing my arm she dragged me back towards the hospital tent. "Well I best get busy making you ready to fight, hadn't I."
Shoving me face first onto the bed she began to cut away the bandages on my back. The bottom layers were soaked in blood, but it seemed to have stopped bleeding; mostly. Reaching into a small bag she  pulled out a miniature pot of cream. Tipping the whole contents on my had she rubbed the cream in. I whimpered, as she wasn't being gentle about it.
This is my story for a Maraquan Draik
The Maraquan Draik that I am never going to get
Ignore the name
I didn't get it anyway
The Krawk is a Maraquan Krawk and I have called him Rex as I haven't got a Maraquan Krawk yet XD

Steal this and you will regret it
Please do not dowload
Comment please :)

Story (c) Me
Krawk, Lupe, Draik, Bori, Koi, Jetsam, Gelert, Kougra and Kau species (c) Neopets
© 2011 - 2024 smithieaan
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black-cat-4eva's avatar
i like it :)
its really good :)
cant wait to read the rest :D